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Communique of Worker-communism Unity Party on:
NATO and US military action in Libya

23 March 2011

The military action in Libya has brought the NATO/US military action into a new phase of controlling the revolutionary developments in the Middle East and North Africa. Until the time UN resolution was issued, US and the European governments were reacting to  these developments and adopted the policy of “damage control”, while defending the reactionary structures and maintaining their levy in influencing the events in the region. However, the situation in Libya, especially following the bombardment and massacre of people by Gaddafi and the demand of the pro-west opposition to stop the killings gave the opportunity and excuse to NATO and the Western governments to play the role of the “guardian angel” and legitimize a new period of military bullying in the world.

From the point of view of the people fighting for freedom, the aims of US, Europe and the reactionary forces in the region, are as suppressive as the aims of Gaddafi and his reactionary government. In this war, the interests of people who rose against dictatorship and Gaddafi’s Islamic reaction are not represented by militarist governments, Gaddafi or any other pro-government opposition. This military attack which is disguised as “defending the lives of the people of Libya”, has no aim but to shape the post Gaddafi government and present a model for the rest of the crisis stricken capitalist countries of the region. People’s aim is to get rid of dictatorship and implement freedom, equality and prosperity.

Worker-communism Unity Party is against terrorism and despotism; state terrorism and political aims of US and NATO on the one hand; and the reactionary dictatorship rule of Gaddafi on the other hand. We do not condemn or approve the policy of no fly zone over Libya. The issue of no fly zone could mitigate  the danger of killings by Gaddafi and leave some opportunity for people to overthrow Gaddafi. However, the UN resolution consciously links the no fly zone policy with air raids which in turn causes more civilian deaths and gives more opportunity to state military forces in Libya. If our socialist government and rule was in Egypt or elsewhere, we would have stopped the massacre of the people committed by Gaddafi. Our policy for doing so is to unite and organize workers and people to overthrow Gaddafi and the capitalist system.

Worker-communism Unity Party stands with the progressive opposition and the toiling people of Libya for the overthrow of Gaddafi and establishment of a state elected by people. We have to impose this policy on the West and UN. We condemn any military attack by the US and its allies against the people of Libya. We condemn the destruction of cities, the infrastructure and means of people. We condemn any dealings between US and Western governments with the reactionary Arab governments to impose yet another reactionary rule over the people of Libya.

The question is the post Gaddafi government. This government must provide freedom and freedom of action for the people to enable them to intervene and decide the political system in Libya. We condemn the NATO/US coalition that imposes another military might and bullying in the region. We condemn any economic boycott against the people who would be the victims of such policy. People of Libya have the right to make use of the split and conflict of interests existing between the different factions of the bourgeoisie to their advantage and overthrow Gaddafi. The US/NATO military strategy goes further than Libya.  One immediate aim of this strategy is to strengthen the terrorist forces against the revolutionary efforts of millions of people of the Middle East and North Africa. Gaddafi’s government, like Saddam Hossein cannot use the events to its advantage. Contrary to Gaddafi’s empty and hysteric propaganda, this military strategy and attack will not lead to a nationalistic or “anti Imperialist” unity in favor of Gaddafi and his government. Gaddafi will be overthrown by the force of the protesting people. What is happening is the shake up of most governments in the region. People of these countries do not want military attacks by US and its allies. They want US, France and the rest of the Western governments to stop supporting the rotten dictator governments of tribes, generals and murderers. The same forces that are pretending to be the “saviors of the people” were, up till a few months ago, in bed with Ben Ali, Mubarak and Gaddafi.

US, France and NATO do not make the history. They are not executors of freedom, equality and prosperity. History is being made by the heroic and revolutionary actions of millions of toiling people. Military intervention is only a part of the international agenda to prevent escalation of any revolutionary movement in the country. Gaddafi must go. Dictators and dictatorships must go. This is the absolute demand of millions of people in these countries.

One aspect of a victorious outcome of these developments is to resist and defeat the military strategy of UN/NATO and is to overthrow the totality of reactionary governments in the region. Workers and the revolutionary masses have no choice but to intensify their struggle against the capitalist system. They have to take charge of the revolutionary control of the society and stand fast against both poles of reaction.

Down with Islamic Republic of Iran!
Freedom, Equality, Workers’ State!
Long Live Socialist Republic!